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"If you'd like to start learning about macros, or even if you already know about macros but want to learn how to manage them effectively, I would recommend Michelle's Macro Challenge!"

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Michelle Walker Health and Nutrition Coach

Since becoming a health coach in 2020, I've helped many women change their relationship with food and understand what their bodies needs to thrive. 


I know the biggest challenge you’re facing isn’t just knowing what to eat or what workout to do next…

It’s also the feeling like you’re “too late to the game” to get started now, and all the other commitments that stand in the way of learning how to do this right.

But I also know this approach WORKS because the women that do this are finally able to beam with confidence in photos (and in real life), wearing the clothes they love, feeling good about their bodies, and  having the energy to live happier and full lives because this way of eating put them on the right path.

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Here's a look at everything included in your

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"I had more energy, lost weight, and was consistent with my food prep.  Definitely recommend this challenge!!"

Many hands-on programs like this will run around $497, but you'll get access for only 


The 28-Day Macro Challenge is backed by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I'm so confident you are going to find so much value in this challenge and be able to use what you learn for years to come, that if you show up and do the work but find it wasn't a valuable experience for you, I'll give you a full refund.

I want this to be an easy YES, because you deserve it!

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"Informative and motivating! I enjoyed the group interaction and like how everyone is supportive of each other's successes."

Is this Challenge 

Yes.  You will receive all the information you need (guides, how-tos, meal prep, etc) in your email.

You will receive daily emails as well, and be invited to join us in the Facebook group where there will be live sessions to answer your questions and training videos to watch at your convenience.

Read More >

Do I have to weigh my food?

The short answer is yes, but the long answer is - it's important to know what 4 oz of chicken looks like, or how much 1 oz of dark chocolate is.  For these purposes it is helpful to have a scale (or use the portion guide in your how-to guide to get a good estimate) so you can know how much of each macro you are eating in a day,

but eventually the hope is that you start to intuitively know how much of each you need in a day.

I don't know if I can commit to the full 28 days- should i still join?

Definitely!  This is not your typical challenge where you go all in for 28 days.  This "challenge" is designed to help you LEARN how to eat for your body type so you can use the information going forward no matter what your schedule looks like.  

This is meant for busy women, so don't be discouraged if you can't go "all in" because it's not designed for that anyway ;)

Do I have to follow a meal plan?

No, but there are meal ideas for you to give you some ideas of what to make during the challenge.

(Having a 7-day done for you meal plan is also an option at checkout should you choose that).


Learning about macros is all about learning how to tweak what you already eat in a way that makes sense for you.

We will go a lot deeper into this, as it is the majority of the challenge, so you can continue to eat what you usually do but learn how to make things healthy and adjust amounts of each macro as needed.

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Copyright 2024 | Michelle Dawn Coaching, Inc.
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