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The Mindset Diet

4-week program

Starts August 2nd!

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Image by Jez Timms

Are you sick of yo-yo dieting, counting calories and carbs, cutting out sugar and alcohol, and so many other ways we deprive ourselves while we try to "get healthy"?


You might even see some results at first with these methods but no matter how motivated you are, eventually you find yourself back where you started - frustrated and defeated.


Many of us look at our health with an end goal in mind - I want to lose (X) number of pounds, I'm going to do this 30-day workout plan to get "beach ready", or I'm going to give up sugar for the month, etc. 


While these are all great things to try, and we might even reach our "goal", the reality is that our health shouldn't have an end goal attached to it because there really is no end to a healthy lifestyle.


Changing the way we THINK about our health is the foundation for living a healthy lifestyle that we can sustain for years, rather than relying on willpower and motivation that might get us through a couple of weeks or months.


Imagine never having to think about what you can or can't eat ever again and just enjoying the food you want and feeling good about your choices!

THE MINDSET DIET is designed to help you change your mindset around health and food so that you no longer have to think about dieting ever again. 


You will see yourself as the healthier version you want to be and will learn strategies to replace unhealthy habits with healthy habits that actually stick so you can make it a reality.


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During the 4-week group coaching program you will:​


  • discover what's keeping you stuck with your health goals and what to do about it

  • change your mindset toward food in a positive way

  • replace unhealthy habits with healthy habits that actually stick

  • learn how to overcome obstacles so you can stay on track 



What's Included:

  • 4x - weekly live group coaching sessions

  • Experiential activities

  • Weekly action steps

  • Resources (worksheets, templates, recipes, etc.

  • Accountability partner for extra support

  • Messenger support between sessions

Regular Price: $499

Your price today:



A little about me...

Hi, I'm Michelle! As someone who dealt with a sugar addiction for ten years, I understand the struggle and feelings that are associated with unhealthy habits and the frustration you feel when you try to get healthier and can't seem to stay on track.  


I also know the mind games that I used to play with myself and have been able to overcome that and want to help others do the same.  

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I am a Mastery Health and Life Coach with a specialty in mindset and beliefs.  Understanding why we do what we do is crucial for knowing how to change our behaviours.  

I am also a certified Neuro Change Practitioner and use the only evidence based approach to habit change called the Neuro Change Method to help understand what is happening in our brains and how to change our habits to make them last. 

And finally, I am a teacher and have always had a passion for inspiring others to be the best version of themselves! 


I feel confident that I can help you change the way they think about your health and start living a healthier lifestyle for good - that is, if YOU'RE ready to put in the work!  


So what do you say - are you ready??!



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Regular Price: $499

Your price today:



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